When safety padding is required in the most extreme environment we propose Gold Medal Safety Padding.
The Gold Medal product is manufactured in Florida and has been the product of choice for Custodial environments, Police stations and High secure mental health hospitals across the world for over 40 years.
For full information and specification please visit www.goldmedalsafetypadding.co.uk
Gold Medal Safety Padding, when installed, is a seamless and highly resilient padding system providing maximum protection for the user of the room and staff.
Without seams the room offers the highest hygiene levels, leaving an easy to clean surface.
Once a Gold Medal Safety Padding installation has been completed our customer knows they will have a room to call on as and when needed, without the worry of constant repairs or the room being out of commission.
For full information and specification please visit www.goldmedalsafetypadding.co.uk
A Gold Medal Safety Padding installation takes between 5 and 8 days, depending on the size and design of the room
“Our son will be so much safer now, he has such a safe and great looking place to play.”
Project lead by Kirklees County Council for a private residence